Episode 24: Bill Clune and Legal Realism to Legal Action – Innovative Law Courses at UW-Madison

Photo of Prof. Emeritus Bill Clune, standing outside in the woods wearing a red shirt and glasses.A remotely-recorded podcast interview with University of Wisconsin Law School Professor Emeritus William (Bill) Clune (SSRN; Law Repository).

Prof. Clune’s research focused on school finance, school law, special education, and systemic educational policy. This podcast interview discusses his new book, Legal Realism to Law in Action: Innovative Law Courses at UW Madison, published Dec. 2021 by Pro Quo Books. It compiles articles and interviews focusing on four groundbreaking classes conceived and taught at UW Law School and the faculty responsible for them and their legacy.

Listen to the Episode

The interview was conducted on January 5, 2022. | 36:20 minutes; published January 27, 2022. Transcript file (PDF).

Links to the Podcast: Soundcloud | Apple Podcasts | Stitcher