Episode 12: Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender and Society Editor-in-Chief

Photo of WJLGS logo.A remotely-recorded podcast interview with Helenka Budzynska Mietka, the incoming Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender, and Society (WJLGS) editor-in-chief. Helenka begins by discussing her academic background and interests and then moves into the history of WJLGS.

WJLGS was founded in 1985 by students who recognized a gap in legal scholarship and wanted to focus on Wisconsin’s Law-in-Action ideas. The journal is published biannually and you can view recent articles on the WJLGS website.

Listen to the Episode

The interview was conducted on June 1, 2020. | 22:06 minutes; published June 30, 2020. Transcript file (PDF).

Links to the Podcast: Soundcloud | Apple Podcasts | Stitcher